About Me

Kevin Lee Phillips, CISSP, CRISC

I’ve subtitled my blog State of the Art Application of Technology because I think that says a lot about me.  It’s always easy to buy state of the art technology.  But that often can lead to less than desired results.  My general approach is always more about the application of the technology verses the technology itself.  I’m always challenged and inspired by alternative or creative solutions to problems and adept at presenting solutions in non-technical terms.

I’ve had exposure to many areas of technology in my professional career and it has influenced much of my personal life.  I hope this blog can help to give an insight to things I’m working on and help you with your learning experience too.

My recent experience in the area of Enterprise Security, Compliance and Risk Management have provided exposure to  application testing, secure application development, security architecture, regulatory compliance, and a risk management based approach to security and problem solving.  I’ve now brought that experience back to traditional IT Architecture and hope to not only move the environment forward, but help to make real “needle moving” changes.